the garber gang

the garber gang

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I thought we were due to change up our walking route in hopes that our walk would last longer. I decided to take Maddie and Ty to OUZ where we could walk in the woods, see horses, see lots of people walking their dogs, and play on a rock pile when we finished walking.
I got in three miles before I let them out to explore. Ty is showing Maddie where the horses are grazing.

Now Maddie it telling Ty that horses eat hay and grass.
Ty and I are watching the horses.

Go Maddie Go!

Ty had to turn around in the stroller to wave bye to the horses.

Finally, it was time to play in the rocks.

The rock pile was a huge hit! I didn't have to take them to the playground as a reward for walking. Ty dumped the bag of goldfish before leaving for the birds.

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