the garber gang

the garber gang

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Art Project Night

Since Chris has had late basketball practice all week and hasn't been home before 8 pm, I decided that tonight we should do some art projects to change up our usual routine. First, Maddie and I made a headband. I thought if she makes it maybe she will wear it. This was a very simple project...clip the flower onto the headband. Of course, Ty had to have a headband too!
Then it was time for the main project...making a turkey. First, they had to connect the head and the body using popsicle sticks. Ty thought the styrofoam spheres were balls and wanted to throw and dribble them.

Maddie thought it was wonderful to connect the parts with the popsicle sticks. So, of course, she decided to keep putting the sticks into the body.
In my opinion, the most important part was the feathers. The goal was to cut out construction paper feathers (to practice using scissors) then write on them what we are thankful for.
Instead, I got out our feathers and we just discussed who and what we are thankful for...BB, Matt, Bryan, the animals at the zoo, and our teachers at school.

Ty continued to torture his turkey,

and Maddie continued sticking popsicle sticks into her turkey.
Needless to say, the project did not turn out like I planned....however, I do think they got the point about being thankful!

The finished project...the turkeys do have feet (you just can't see them), they do not have faces. I was getting stressed out and had to stop the project before it was fully constructed!

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