the garber gang

the garber gang

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Zembs Bros. Field Day

The kids and I went to Zemba Bros. Field Day Saturday morning. Chris was in a golf outing so we went without him. I was sure Ty and Maddie would love this to ride on, a bounce house, wagon rides, pony rides, food, etc. They would say they had fun but they didn't do much. We would wait in a line to ride on a bulldozer then refuse to get on when it was our turn (hopefully, because they didn't want to ride with a strange man alone!). We waited in line to bounce then when it was our turn we wanted popcorn instead. We waited in line to ride the pony, got on the pony, then wanted off before it moved! Got the idea? Thankfully Aunt Kim was there working and was able to have Ty or Maddie hang out with her. Then I could take one to where they pretended they wanted to go!
Maddie did love petting the coyote skin!

1 comment:

  1. We didn't make it to town for this for event. We have been the 2 previous years. I missed going.
