the garber gang

the garber gang

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sick Kids and Lots of Snow

Outside our front door
Since Ty and Maddie are under the weather, they had to sit and watch Daddy shovel the driveway. Daddy kept throwing snow balls at them!
Ty trying to dodge one of Daddy's snow balls.
Our outdoor toys covered in snow. We think we got at least 10 inches of snow!
Friday we had our fourth snow day. Chris and I decided it was time to take Ty and Maddie to the doctor since they had been sick for about two weeks. Maddie had bronchitis, and maybe a touch of viral pneumonia! Ty continues to have the same stomach virus he had two weeks ago. We didn't have any weekend plans so we've just been hanging out at home. However, Saturday around 3 am (right after Ty got sick again!), our power went out. Luckily, Aunt Kim had power so we went to her house Saturday morning until we got our power back! I think it is safe to say we are ready for spring!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Sure hope those little darlings are feeling better now. WOW what a weekend.
