the garber gang

the garber gang

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bounce U

Friday we went to Bounce U in Dayton. We spent 30 minutes in one huge room with at least 5 big bounce things and then 30 minutes in a second huge room with at least 5 more huge bounce things. They even let us stay a little longer because they were not busy!Ty loved shooting the balls!
Maddie went down the slide a zillion times in this exact position.
Carson and Logan shooting at Ty.
Ty climbing the steps to the slide.
All 4 going down the slide.
Batter up!
Swing, Batter, Batter!
Even Aunt Tracey had fun!

Ty and I went down the slide together.

Maddie trying to keep up with Logan and Carson by climbing through the ropes.

The monkeys were hanging!

I had to keep a close eye on Ty. He wanted to go over and behind all the blow ups. Here he is trying to hang on the ropes that connect two bounce houses.
Aunt Tracey and Ty

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