the garber gang

the garber gang

Friday, January 20, 2012

3 Year Old Talk

Ty climbed up on the kitchen table and began painting Maddie's art project.
Me: Ty, go ask Maddie if it's ok if you paint that.
Ty: I will...DON'T WORRY!

Ty and I were sitting on the stool watching the weather (trying to figure out if I was going to have a snow day, of course!)
Ty jumped down and ran up to the tv.
Ty: There's a T! (He pointed to the word 'forecast'.)

Maddie was practicing her soccer moves in the family room.
She was kicking the ball.
Maddie: It hit me in the kneebow! (She was laughing so hard because she thought that was sooo funny!)

Daddy: What happened to my tie? (as he was holding up his tie that had been cut)
Ty: I am right here, Daddy.

walking from car to church
Maddie: Mommy, it's cold out here.
me: Yes it is!
Maddie: Then why didn't you put anything on my legs? You should have put me in an outfit so my legs were covered.
*Nothing like being scolded by your 3 year old!

Ty is watching Father Jordan intently.
Ty: Daddy, is that God?

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