the garber gang

the garber gang

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Memory Lane

Take a trip down Memory Lane....
emergency C-Section
March 5, 2008
Madalyn Olivia 3 lbs 11 oz
Ty Christopher 2 lbs 9 oz
Wow, that paci looks enormous!
Maddie on the vent after her lung collapsed.
Chris holding Ty in his hand
our first family picture
Maddie looking so cute at less than 5 lbs!
Maddie's nurses loved to put bows in her hair.
Ty taking a peaceful
holding Maddie with all her "stuff" on
Ma and I were praying over Ty.
It is obvious our prayers were answered!


  1. Happy Birthday Maddie and Ty! What an amazing journey you've had so far! You have wonderful parents!

  2. Happy Birthday Maddie and Ty! Thank you for sharing these pictures. It is awesome how far God has brought these two little miracles and your family. I am truly blessed to know you!
