the garber gang

the garber gang

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Special Treat for All

Friday night we were busy. We had dinner with the Brownriggs (which Maddie cried and whined through the entire meal), then went to Nashport for a music concert (which Ty cried through) and art show, and finally ended the night at a graduation party. It was well after nine when Ty and Maddie hit the hay; however, they both slept through the ENTIRE NIGHT (Chris and I had a few nights of only three or four hours of sleep just this week) and didn't wake until 7:30 am. When they finally woke up a squirrel was eating the bird seed out of the bird feeder. That was a great way to start the morning!!
The black squirrel left so the birds flew in.
Even "Chippy" got a bite to eat.
Ty even spotted a deer in the yard. He is telling his daddy all about it (signing "deer").
Three different times during the day we saw deer.
Maddie wouldn't wear the head band that matched her outfit, but Ty wore it while looking for his animal friends.
Chris borrowed his friend's truck to get some more mulch. Ty and Maddie loved it. It was like a huge toy!
Maddie in the back
Maddie had to buckle up when Ty was first.
So the special treats for Maddie and Ty were seeing all the animals in the yard and playing in Pat's truck. The special treat for Chris and me was a full night of sleep!

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