the garber gang

the garber gang

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Craft Night

Chris had an away basketball game Saturday night at John Glenn. The kids and I stayed home and had craft night. I decided to keep them entertained as long as possible with as many crafts as possible. It must have been a brilliant idea because they jumped up in their chairs and yelled, "Yeah, crafts!"

I started simple with some markers and coloring books.

Then some painting. Ty started with the magic paint. This was awesome. You hold the paint brush over the color and the bristles turn that color. The paint is a clear gel that turns colors on the paper. It is like no mess painting!!

Maddie painted her sun catcher first. The sun catchers were a Christmas gift from the Doyle family.It's not easy being a lefty. After awhile I figured out to turn it around for Ty!

Maddie cleaning off her brush before changing colors.

Next, Maddie and Ty switched. Maddie used the light up paint brush.

Ty painted a butterfly sun catcher.

Some of their art work.

sun catchers!
Ty loved painting his arms. He even painted Maddie's too!

They also did some paint by numbers.

Coloring on construction this point I was multi-tasking. I was hanging new curtains and a new shower curtain in the bathroom.

stringing beads

It got real quiet at this point..stringing beads takes concentration....I love it!

Maddie made four bracelets. Ty dumped 400 beads and spit at least 40 at Maddie. I got the bathroom curtains hung! It was a full night.

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