the garber gang

the garber gang

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Ty and Maddie went to Build-a-Bear for the first time. Maddie loved the entire experience! It wasn't Ty's thing. He first picked out a bear that was pink and purple with peace signs all over it. Daddy had to advertise some other "manly" animals like a horse or a dog. He was really hoping that Ty would pick the Brutus Buckeye teddy bear.

Ty watching the kind lady stuff his dog.

Maddie picked out the heart, kissed it, and put it in her monkey.

Bath time. As you can see Ty is still not enjoying this much.
Picking out the outfit was hard work. Maddie loved every outfit. Ty hated every outfit.

Daddy did a wonderful job of helping Maddie dress her monkey.
Maddie and her new best friend.

Yum....a Cheryl's cookie.
Now Ty was extremely happy! This beats Build-a-Bear.

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