the garber gang

the garber gang

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Car Conversation

I took Maddie to the babysitter's this morning. We chatted all the way there.

Maddie: Where is your meeting today, Mom?
Me: Actually, today's meeting is in Dresden.
Maddie: Where is Daddy's meeting?
Me: Daddy doesn't have a meeting today. He is taking Ty to the eye doctor.
Maddy: Where is Ty's eye doctor?
Me: Children's Hospital in Columbus.
Maddie: Who's Ty's doctor?
Me: Dr. McGregor
Maddie: Is Daddy a doctor?
Me: No, Daddy is a teacher.
Maddie: Where do the penguins live?
Me: at the zoo
Maddie: in Columbus?
Me: yep
Maddie: Does Daddy love me?
Me: absolutely
Maddie: and that red truck loves me too?
Me: absolutely

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